Royal North Shore Hospital

Principal public teaching hospital that Dr Little is affiliated with


North Shore Private Hospital

Principal private teaching hospital that Dr Little is affiliated with


Ramsay Health Care

Largest private hospital group in Australia


University of Sydney

Affiliated University where Dr Little is a clinical senior lecturer


Mayo Clinic

One of the largest and best providers of comprehensive healthcare worldwide, where Dr Little gained valuable clinical and research Neurosurgical training


Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group

Not for profit organisation dedicated to research and management of brain tumours



Instrument/ technology company with a broad range of Neurosurgcal applications



Instrument/ technology company providing neuronavigation devices to the Norht Shore Campus


Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Professional body overseeing standards, training, and accreditation of all surgeons


Neurosurgical Society of

Professional body concerned with issue s concerning Neurosurgeons in Australia and New Zealand


Gosford Hospital

Public Hospital where Dr Little has a Honorary appointment


Narrabeen Sports Medicine Centre

Comprehensive sports Medicine facility on the Northern Beaches


American Association of Neurological Surgeons

American Society analogous to the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia.


Australian Medical Association

Professional body concerned with the role of the profession in society and advocating for political solutions for health problems


University of New South Wales

University where Dr Little gained his undergraduate medical degree